Some interesting videos

One is in Hebrew, one in English. I am keeping my comments very reduced at the moment, for a few different reasons. These videos show: Matti Peled - a former Israeli general with control over Gaza who became a 'peacenik'. Don't…

More chizzuk from R Ofer: the worst could already be behind us

They put up  this short clip on ==== Here's my basic translation of what he is saying: Those who are really going along now wanting G-d - whether they are more of a…

Worldwide day of prayer – today, Oct 30, at 4pm Israel time

I just got sent this. It has the support of the Rav, too, who is encouraging everyone to participate. This is the flyer: ==== Basically, the top bit says that we are in a really dire situation surrounded by enemies in Israel, in…

Even a little bit counts

Last Thursday, I told one of my friends in Bet Shemesh about the Rav's 'push' to say more tehillim. My friend is Chabad, not Breslov. She has five small kids at home - all under her feet more than usual, especially with the war. But she…

Some thoughts

Yesterday, I got into a big discussion with one of my kids. Most of her circle are formerly 'dati-leumi' atheists, or people who grew up being brainwashed 'against' God and 'religion', God forbid. Thank God, she still believes in Hashem…

Latest update from the Rav

Message from Rav Berland from the last week (heading into Parsha Lech Lecha, 5784, pulled together 27.10.2023) == [This was being handed around at the Rav's tefillot yesterday night, Fri 27.10.2023. I translated most of it, below. There are…