Part II

(Read Part I HERE.)

I would say that about 97% of ‘the story’ that we’ve all been told about how Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezeritch took over from the BESHT; and then how Shneur Zalman of Liadi basically rose to the top of chassidut as the ‘cream of the crop’ comes from….Chabad.

And no other independently-verifiable source.

The problem is, that each time I tried to take a ‘Chabad story’ at face value, and to track down real-life people, with real names, real dates, real information, a real footprint in the real world – I failed miserably.

Over time, I came to the conclusion that for some bizarre reason, Chabad appears to have been lying about just about everything.


Over in the hallowed halls of secular Jewish researchers, this fact has apparently been known for many decades.

But for me, naive as I still was 6-7 years ago, all this came as a massive shock.

At this stage, I believe all these ‘lies’ about Jewish history are directly connected to the Sabbatean-Frankist-Mason take over of our Jewish community, over the last 350+ years.

That began with the false messiah Shabtai Tzvi, aka the big Torah commentator from Vilna, the SHACH, who apparently went mad after the Chmielnicki massacres of 1648-9, that hit places like Vilna particularly hard.

But the cover-up and takeover has continued, right down to our days, our time.


In the second part of this post about the BESHT’s real successor, R YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV, we are going to learn what was apparently the real basis of the ‘war’ between the chassidim and the mitnaggdim.

And no – you won’t find any mention of the Vilna Gaon facing off against Shneur Zalman.

That never happened.


The following information was gleaned from Mor Altshuler’s PhD thesis on the Maggid of Zlotchov, and if you have a few free hours, I highly, highly recommend you read the long version ,available for free as a PDF, HERE.

For everyone else, I will try to sum it up succintly – and of course, that means oversimplification. That’s how it works.


The BESHT dies in 1760 – apparently from a the hole in his heart caused by the whole disputation with Jacob Frank’s band of ‘Sabbatean believers’ that occurred in 1758, and ended with tens of thousands of Jews in Poland publically converting to Catholicism.

Many of these Jews had the best yichus money could buy…. To say it was a shonda on a massive scale to their (secret-Sabbatean) relatives who stayed in the Jewish fold is the genealogical understatement of the millenia.

And these Frankists didn’t just disappear and go low-profile – they literally became the most well-known bankers, financiers, jurists, philosophers, writers, artists….

Everyone knew who they were, and where they’d come from.


So the BESHT passes away as a result of this terrible blow to the Jewish people in 1760.

And then according to Chabad, the BESHT designates Dov Ber Friedman, the Maggid of Mezeritch, as his successor.

Back in the ‘real world’ – there is simply no firm trace of the Maggid of Mezeritch, at least in terms of who his ancestors were. He just materialises out of nothing and nowhere, and his descendents are also shrouded in a dense fog of mystery.

There was almost certainly a follower of the BESHT called ‘Dov Ber’. More than that, I can’t say.


In the meantime, the Chabad fairytale continues that Dov Ber basically favors the young Shneur Zalman to take chassidut forward when he passes away in 1772 – and the rest is (Chabad made-up) history.

But that’s not what really happened.


This is a direct quote from Mor Altshuler herself:

“Amongst other things, there is reason to doubt all the historical events that HABAD literature presents as central to the history of Hasidism.”


The BESHT was actually surrounded by many different senior disciples that you almost never hear anything about these days, as the ‘fairytale’ has mostly scrubbed everyone else out of the picture.

For example, one of the BESHT’s leading disciples was Yaakov Yosef of Polonnye.

Another was (apparently….) R Pinchas Shapira of Koretz (more on him in a moment).


And it’s this latter who was actually surrounded by a very wide circle of disciples – apparently that included Shneur Zalman of Liadi – and who was involved in some very deep mystical attempts to ‘bring the geula’.


The chassidic doctrine of the ‘Tzaddik of the generation’ also begins in earnest with R Yechiel Michel’s circle – the BESHT never referred to himself in these terms.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.


First, let’s introduce you to some of R YECHIEL MICHEL’s leading disciples.

They are people you rarely hear anything about in any other chassidut chronicles, but who do crop up in the Breslov writings about Rebbe Nachman’s life, from this time period.

I.e. – we have Rabbenu’s guarantee that they are actually real people.


One of the reasons this information has remained hidden for 200+ years is because like many of the ‘mystical groups’ operating within the Jewish community at that point in time, including the Sabbateans, and what spun-off as the Frankist-masons, secrecy was a very big deal.

And it was enforced with oaths, and other mechanisms, to keep the group, and its activities and beliefs, away from unfriendly prying eyes, both in the Jewish and the non-Jewish world.


So from direct sources collated by Mor Altshuler in her PhD thesis, R YECHIEL MICHEL’s disciples include:




(Apparently, he is the Rebbe of ELEAZAR ZEV of BUCHETCH, whose daughter seems to have married the great-grandson of Yechiel Michel. This appearts to be the ancestor of Rav Berland.)


R ZEVI HASID – who is actually the brother of R MENACHEM MENDEL of PREMISHLAN, who is buried in the old graveyard of Tiberius, next to Rabbenu’s grandpa, R NACHMAN HORODENKA.


Then, there are other sources from the mitnagdim world who identify others of this group from the outside.

The main anti-chassidic work is called ‘Breaking of Sinners’, by one DAVID MAKOV.

He lists the following, as being disciples of YECHIEL MICHEL:


(He provided one of the two haskamot Rabbenu chose to have printed in the Likutey Moharan. The other haskama is from Ephraim Zalman Margoliot of Brody.)


R MORDECHAI OF NESKHIV (mentioned in Rav Natan’s Chaya Moharan, etc)

R LEVI YITZHAK of BERDICHEV (mentioned in Chaya Moharan, buried in Berdichev’s Jewish cemetery).


R ZUSYA OF ANNIPOLI (brother of the NOAM ELIMELECH – both mentioned in Chaya Moharan)


(Chabad sources claim ‘AMDUR’ chassidut got absorbed into CHABAD.)


‘Breaking of Sinners’ then identifies other disciples that play are more tangential or uncertain role in YECHIEL MICHEL’s circle of disciples.

That includes:

SHNEUR ZALMAN of LIADI (mentioned in Chaya Moharan)

R ELIMELECH of LIZHENSK (mentioned in Chaya Moharan)




As mentioned in the previous post, once the BESHT and R YECHIEL MICHEL had passed away, there were key people within chassidut who were trying to publicise that the BESHT had accepted much of the Sabbatean teachings of HESHEL TZOREF of VILNA.

Mor Altshuler explains these people included:





At this point, that is a big red flag that suggests these people themselves may have had ‘Sabbatean’ leanings, but it’s not definitive.

For sure, the BESHT, and Rabbenu after him, was also busy trying to ‘raise the sparks’ out of the Sabbatean teachings, to sweeten this whole, horrible klippah.

For example, the BESHT’s second wife was a great-granddaughter of none other than Shabtai Tzvi / SHACH.

And perhaps in Part III, we’ll try to take a closer look as AVRAHAM GERSHON KITOVER of BRODY, the BESHT’s brother-in-law, who also descends directly from the SHACH / Shabtai Tzvi.

Meanwhile,  it seems that YECHIEL MICHEL and his group were also busy trying to do the birur with the Sabbatean teachings, particularly the emphasis on making aliya to Eretz Israel.

Read on.


OK, the date is leil Shavuot, 1777 – the same time that MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK and a small group of messianic-minded Chassidim make aliya to Eretz Yisrael.

MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK and his group are going through awful difficulties. He wrote a letter back to Brody, where YECHIEL MICHEL was then located, explaining that his group of chassidim had to move to Tiberius, because:

[The Sephardim in Tsfat were] “completely wicked, believers in Shabtai Tzvi, may his name be erased.


As a result of the Sabbatean takeover of Tsfat, MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK decides in 1778/ 9 that he needs to organise a seperate, independent fundraising channel for his group of non-Sabbatean chassidim.

This effort involves:


R ELAZAR (ELIEZER) ZUSSMAN (who is sent to raise funds in Istanbul and Holland) and

R SOLOMON ZALMAN VILNER, who is sent to raise funds for the Chassidim in Vilna and Brody.

(I am now wondering if this could actually by ‘SHNEUR ZALMAN’ of Chabad… but we’ll park that for now.)


Yes – it’s that same ‘Vilna and Brody’ that shortly afterwards wrote letters trying to excommunicate the Chassidim.

As you can see, none of this makes sense if you believe the Chabad fairytale version of Chassidic history.


At that point in time, the main charity fundraiser for Eretz Israel in the BRODY KLOIZ is called R CHAIM SEGAL LANDAU.

He is the paternal first cousin of the virulently mitnagged NODA be YEHUDAH.

Yet, CHAIM SEGAL LANDAU tells SOLOMON VILNER that not only is he willing to forgive all of the chassidic group’s debts, to date, he is also going to pay MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK  a regular stipend.

Meanwhile, the charity fundraisers for Israel in VILNA at this time are one R ELIEZER ben CHAIM SHABTELS, and his brother SHMUEL.

SHMUEL is married to CHAIM SEGAL LANDAU’s daughter.


SHMUEL and ELIEZER are apparently close relatives of the VILNA GAON.

I spent a good few hours trying to unpick that bit of the family tree, and that lead me straight back to the LURIE family again, who the Rav said arrived in Eretz Yisrael with crates full of golden dinarii.

It also turned up a whole bunch more fake names and false Jewish history, that needs straightening out.

We’ll keep that bit of the story for another day.


For now, it’s enough to know that the direct, close family members of the ‘VILNA GAON’ and the ‘NODA BE YEHUDA’ were very happily funding the Chassidic aliyah to Eretz Yisrael, in 1778-1779.

This is 18-19 years AFTER the BESHT died, and at least 6-7 years AFTER the Maggid of Mezeritch is meant to have died, too.


Then, starting July-Sept 1781, the mitnaged decrees against ‘the chassidim’ begin.

Mor Altshuler makes a very convincing case that these ‘chassidim’ are actually R YECHIEL MICHEL (1726-1781) and his disciples.

And no, there is no ‘Vilna Gaon’ in sight.

Or at least, not with the name ‘Eliyahu ben Shlomo’.

Read on.


While MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK is trying to settle the Holy Land, back in YEHIEL MICHEL’s hometown BRODY, his disciples are gathered around for a super-secret ‘Tikkun Leil Shavuot’.

The disciples of YECHIEL MICHEL who attend this mystical ‘Tikkun Leil Shavuot’ are sworn to strict secrecy about what was really going on, and who was involved. Altshuler spends many pages bringing various sources from the disciples’ later works, to piece the story together.

Long story short, it appears that YECHIEL MICHEL and his followers, including MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK, were trying to ‘force’ God’s hand to bring the geula.

But it backfired stupendously.


This small, secret group of tzaddikim were waiting for word from MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK, who apparently had his own ‘mystical job’ to do, that heavenly permission had been given for the geula to begin in earnest.

It never came.

Instead, the mitnaged storm against YECHIEL MICHEL and his secret group of disciples fanned up into a raging inferno, beginning 1781.

YECHIEL MICHEL’s books were publically burnt, he was hounded out of his home in Brody and ended up in the small backwater town of Yampol – where he died soon after, on the 25th of Elul 5541, September 15th, 1781, at the age of 55.

Apparently, from a broken heart.


In Israel, MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK also died shortly after his Rebbe, at the relatively young age of 50, similarly broken by his experiences, vicissitudes and disappointment.


So, what actually happened here?

And why was YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV and most of his disciples almost totally scrubbed out of real Jewish history?

Let’s see if we can unpick a bit more.


As well as the ‘failed’ attempt to re-settle Eretz Yisrael, and to try and pry it away from the established Sabbatean communities infesting it since the ‘aliyah’ of Yehuda Chassid in 1700, if not before, some other things happened in 1781, that began the persecution of YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV.

Firstly, YECHIEL MICHEL had created a set of what is known as ‘Hasidic Practices’, that he and his disciples had been keeping secret.

But in anticipation of the Moshiach coming, and geula beginning, the decision was made to print these practises publically.

This was part of the effort to fulfill the Baal Shem Tov’s words in his famous epistle to his brother-in-law, Avraham Gershon Kitover of Brody, that the Moshiach would only come when the BESHT’s teachings of chassidut had been spread throughout the world.

(I know Chabad ‘stole’ this story and cast Shneur Zalman as the main character in it. As I keep telling you, most of what we were told by Chabad is half-truths, at best.)


So, YECHIEL MICHEL and his disciples have a ‘rule book’ of Chassidic practices, that include:

HISHTANUT – translated as the rule of ‘equanimity’.


PERISHUT (‘austerity’)



HISHTANUT was the basic idea that whatever God does to a person, for the seemingly good, or the seemingly bad, a person should accept what is happening with equanimity – because everything is God’s doing.

PERISHUT seems to mean living simply, without ostentation and seeking kavod, especially not for a person’s Torah learning.

And HITBODEDUT and DVEKUT we know from Rabbenu’s teachings.


It’s a side note, but it seems that YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV was the first cousin of Rabbenu’s father, SIMCHA HORODENKER.

NACHMAN HORODENKER’s wife, SIMCHA’s mother, seems to have been the sister of R YITZHAK DROHOVITCHER MAGGID, the father of YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV.

Again, all these people all got ‘scrubbed’ out of standard Jewish history.


OK, so this ‘Chassidic Rule Book’ was published in 1781 (5541) in Koretz, and was called Maggid Devarav Le’Yaakov (‘He Imparts His Words to Jacob’).

While it was later attributed to ‘Dov Ber the Maggid of Mezeritch’, he actually died nine years earlier (if he even existed as described.)

But YECHIEL MICHEL was still alive at this point.

According to Altshuler (page 332), the words ’Dov Ber’ was often added in afterwards, to ‘hide’ the real ‘Maggid’, whose works were being shared.

(When you see what happened next, and also, when you learn about the depth of the murderous opposition Breslov’s ‘true tzaddikim’ also suffered at the hands of the fake Sabbatean ‘rebbes’ trying to keep their grip on the power structure in the Jewish community, all this becomes far easier to understand.)


Altshuler says:

“There is no simple explanation for the opposition to Hasidism.”

Especially, because the story they told us all is mostly pure fabrication.

Meanwhile, the manifest that was sent in 5532 (1772) – 12 years after the death of the BESHT – by the Vilna community to Brody and Brisk describes the hasidim as ‘bands of the wicked’.

(At the end of this post, we’ll return to what was really going on in 1772 to spark this off….)

While the 1781 ‘ban’ against the chassidim also talks about them as a ‘The sect of subversives and agitators’, it’s actually in the informal mitnaged writings like Breaking of Sinners that you get a hint of some of the real concerns, which include:

  • The strong messianic beliefs and character of the movement (a big ‘no-no’ after the Shabtai Tzvi / SHACH catastrophe); and
  • A widespread belief in reincarnation.



When I was reading through Altshuler’s work, I was trying to figure out myself where ‘the Sabbateans’ were really hiding out in this story.

I’m still not totally sure.

Much as the Rav appears to be doing in our days, YECHIEL MICHEL himself seemed to have been sailing very close to the Sabbatean wind, with some of his ‘sweetening’ efforts.


For example, the Sabbateans had a whole set of ‘codes’ and ‘symbols’ that they were using to describe Shabtai Tzvi, and Sabbatean philosophy.

This is how Altshuler describes some of this, on page 344:

“Personifying the quality of the Red Heifer is characteristic of the Sabbatean Tradition, in which the Red Heifer is interpreted with reference to a particular individual, Shabtai Tzvi, and seen as the secret key to his messianism.”


If you’ve been following the current ‘obsession’ with the Red Heifer in recent days, this whole passage maybe is giving you more of a pause for thought.


Here’s another quote from Altshuler (p 360) that might ring some more bells for you:

“R YECHIEL MICHEL deliberately incurred public degradation, and bore it with indifference.”

And the following is a footnote on p 364, which is taken from the Shivchei HaBesht, 8b, and also appears in ‘Ways of the Just’ 5b, and also in the book ‘Precious Gleanings’, but Meshullam Feivush Heller, one of Yechiel Michel’s main students:

“Even though they demean him, he should be silent and not respond at all to the one who demeans him, lest these disparagers distract him from the service of the Creator.

And he should not be concerned that he will thereby not be appreciated among people and will be unable to attain his goal.

[Rather,] he should direct his thought on high, to the supernal world and in His service, may He be blessed, and should commune with and trust in Him that he will attain his goal.”


This is the root of Rabbenu’s own teachings on bizayon.

As practised by the Rav’s probable ancestor, and the real tzaddik who was trying to carry on the BESHT’s teachings, YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV.



OK, so much more to say as always – including how the Mir Yeshiva and Chabad chassidut appear to have been set up by exactly the same family, who all descend from the known Sabbatean, the Meir Panim.

For example.

But for now, let’s end with the story that seems to have really ignited the firestorm of opposition against YECHIEL MICHEL and his disciples.

It occurred in Koretz in 1772 – that year when the very first edicts against the ‘chassidim’ were written in Vilna, and sent around to Brody and Brisk.


Back in Koretz, R PINCHAS SHAPIRA of KORETZ’s son, MOSHE, held the communal position of being able to levy the meat tax on the kosher meat being slaughtered.

This ‘tax’ on the kosher meat provided a third of the Jewish kahal’s annual funding, and it was a very rich vein to mine, for the people who held the right to tax.


You can read the whole story in Altshuler’s PDF beginning on page 64, but the basic story is this:

Moshe Shapira operated a kosher abbatoir, and had a monopoly on the community’s kosher meat, which YECHIEL MICHEL believed he was abusing, to charge exaggerated prices for kosher meat – which hit the poorest families the hardest.

(There is literally nothing new under the sun….)


R Pinchas Shapira of Koretz took the side of his son, and before long, to quote Altshuler:

The dispute, originating in matters related to kosher slaughter, developed into a wide and open conflict that implicated additional issues related to divine worship.

Pinchas of Korets took umbrage at “the Maggid’s” manner of prayer and could not tolerate “people gesturing in the manner of the Maggid” and extolling his prayer.

Pinchas’s criticisms imply opposition to the demonstrative nature of the Maggid’s prayer, hint at vulgar bodily movements, and disparage the Maggid’s pretensions to penetrate to the upper realms with his prayer.


Allusions to the dispute can be found as well in a tradition attributed to R. Pinchas of Korets, which tells of “a certain resentment between R. Mikhel and R. Pinchas” related to matters of prayer. Their rivalry was expressed in R. Yechiel Mikhel’s “grudge” against R. Pinchas and R. Pinchas’s reaction:

“The grudge that he bears in his heart against me because he cannot discern my prayers in the heavens is a vain grudge; for he is not alone in being unable to discern my prayers. Even the angels cannot discern them, for I have made my way directly to the Holy One, Blessed be He.”


Again, very long story short, Pinchas Shapira of Koretz ended up leaving town, and then shortly afterwards, the first epistles against ‘the chassidim’ appeared, in 1772 (as mentioned above).

But the ‘ban’ didn’t take at this point – because it seems obvious that most people understood that the complaint against the monopoly on kosher meat was justified.


A long time ago, when I was trying to figure out who the ‘real Vilna Gaon’ actually might be, I had a dream that just repeated over and over again:

Pinchas is Eliyahu.

And now, here we have a story that seems to be the real beginning of the ‘rift’ between the chassidim and the mitnagdim, except instead of ‘Eliyahu the GRA’, we have ‘Pinchas Shapira of Koretz’.


There is still so, so much to unpick here.

But that will do for today.

BH, there are about 200 different ‘spin offs’ from Altshuler’s information, so we’ll see where God guides this research next.

In the meantime, the Rav also came out with a stunning shiur recently, so my next project is to translate that ready for Wednesday, when I am back online again, BH.

Until then.

The story begins, as these stories so often do, when I was working on something totally different.

One of my readers emailed me a few of weeks ago to ask me if I knew how R Berland descends from David HaMelech.

I went back to the OIAG Volume I note at the back, that says that the Rav descends from one ‘Eleazar Zev of Buchatch’.

I’d never heard of him before.

THIS is his Wiki page in Hebrew – and there’s some very interesting stuff there, which hopefully we’ll come back to another time.

In the meantime, I was looking for genealogical links to ‘King David’, so I started tootling around, like you do, looking for more of that family tree gold.


I turned up so much interesting stuff, it’s hard to know where to even start with it.

So, let’s call this ‘Part I’.

Before we continue, listen to this:

It’s a niggun by R YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV – and each time I listen to it, I get a shiver down my spine.


You have probably never heard of R YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV.

I also hadn’t, before I started researching Rav Berland’s family tree.

Most of this story is going to revolve around him, and how chassidut got ‘hijacked’ by Sabbateans, after the death of the Baal Shem Tov.

That doesn’t mean that all of chassidut is Sabbatean, God forbid.

But what it does mean is that the families of the real tzaddikim got infiltrated by Sabbateans and subverted – as so nearly happened with Rabbenu’s own family after his death.

And that the ‘real Rebbes’ – the real tzaddikim who really did have the power to bring the nation back to God the ‘sweet’ way – were totally ridiculed and persecuted by the Sabbatean rabbis who were basically ruling the Jewish community, even then.


If you are thinking that this sounds very much what happened to Rebbe Nachman, and afterwards to Rav Natan, and after him, to all the ‘real tzaddikim’ of Breslov – you’d be right.


If you are thinking that this also sounds very much like what is currently happening to Rav Berland, and the current crop of ‘real tzaddikim’ of Breslov (versus all the ‘Breslov fakers’, especially the ones in Meah Shearim and Bet Shemesh) – again, you’d be right.


When we don’t learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it’s mistakes.

But when it comes to learning from ‘Jewish history’, it becomes even harder, because so much of what we have been taught, particularly about the last 350+ years, is fake history, false facts, invented personas.

To hide the fact that the Sabbateans took over the Jewish community 350+ years ago, and their various factions – including the Frankist-‘enlightened’-masons, including ‘Reform’, including the rabbis of the Volozhin and Mir yeshivas, including the z-ists, and including most of the chassiduts – are continuing to rule even today.

And are continuing to try to distance people from discovering who the real tzaddikim of our generation are, that can inspire the Jewish people to sincerely return to God and to make true teshuva, no matter how far away they seem to be.


So, let’s get the easiest stuff out of the way first, in ‘Part I’ of this story, and then we’ll take a much closer look at how chassidut got subverted by Sabbatean ‘rabbis’ with their own agendas, fake names, and false stories.


After the Baal Shem Tov died in 1760 – and Breslov tradition suggests he died from two ‘holes in the heart’, caused by the disputation of the Frankists in 1759, when literally tens of thousands of Polish Jews publically converted to Catholicism, following the lead of (fake name….) ‘JACOB FRANK’ – it’s not clear who took over.

The ‘story’ we are told – by Chabad – is that Dov Ber Friedman, the ‘Maggid of Mezeritch’, took over as leader after the BESHT.

But there is precious little evidence in the real world to support that – and from my own research into ‘Dov Ber Friedman’, there is precious little evidence that this is a real name, or perhaps even a real person.


If this sounds incredible, remember that at this period of time, Jews all over the Russian Pale of Settlement were facing incredible persecution, and also the Cantonist Decrees, that stated Jewish boys had to join the Russian army for 25 years.

Big name changes and ‘false identities’ were de rigeur in the Jewish community at that time – even for Jews that weren’t Sabbatean rabbis and leaders, who had a lot to hide.


Recall what we unearthed about ‘Moshe Tzvi of Savran’, the main persecutor of Rav Natan and Breslov in his period of time.

(Go HERE, for an index of the main posts that touch on this subject.)

Moshe Tzvi wanted to marry the widowed daughter of Rabbenu, Udel.

Rav Natan firmly advised her against it, and its stated openly in Breslov teachings that he was worried that ‘Moshe Tzvi’ would take over Breslov chassidut, and subvert Rabbenu’s teachings.

Think about this carefully, in light of what we explained above, about Sabbateans continually ‘infiltrated’ the families of the real tzaddikim, in a million ways.


‘Moshe Tzvi of Savran’ oversteps his position when he arranges for the murder of two Jewish mosrim – ‘enlightened’ Jews who were telling the Russian authorities where the Jewish community was hiding its boys, to keep them out of the army.

He has to flee to Moldova, and once he’s there, he takes on a completely new identity as ‘R Israel Friedman of Ruzhin’.

Most of the leaders in the Litvak world today, and also so many of the chassidic Rebbes, are his descendants.


When they were filling in the back story for this new identity called ‘R Israel of Ruzhin’, they had to explain who this person who came out of nowhere, literally, suddenly zoomed-up the tree to become the main leader of the Jewish community and chassidut.

At that point, ‘the Maggid of Mezeritch’ appeared out of the ether, and ‘R Israel of Ruzhin’ was said to be his great-grandson, via R Shalom Shachne Friedman of Prohobycz.


Here’s how that is meant to shake down:



The ‘official story’ of R Israel of Ruzhin is that he was semi-literate, and very rich. He is said to have been arrested in 1838, then released in 1840.

He them moves to Kishinev in Moldovia, before escaping to Iasi. He apparently becomes a ‘cause celebre’ in the Jewish world (for no obvious reason….) which is mobilised to put pressure on the Russians to stop chasing after him.

Then, he moves to Austria.

And the Apter Rav makes him the president of the ‘Kollel Volhynia’, being administered in Eretz Yisrael by Nissan Bek (who starts of ‘chassidic’, then becomes an enlightened ‘reformer’) – who builds the Tiferet Yisrael synagogue in Jerusalem.

Named for this same ‘R Israel of Ruzhin’, great-grandson of the ‘Maggid of Mezeritch’.


There is so very much to unpick in all this, but let’s try and keep it simple.

I tried to do a ‘comparative tree’ for Israel of Ruzhin’s alter-ego, MOSHE TZVI of SAVRAN.

Here’s where I got to:

R AVRAHAM HAROFE (born 1750 in Constantinople, dies 1802) > R SHIMON SHLOMO WERTHEIM of SAVRAN > MOSHE TZVI of SAVRAN.


First, Constantinople was teeming with Sabbateans at this time.

And whenever you see ‘rabbis’ moving backwards and forwards between Turkey and Galicia / Eastern Europe, nine times of out ten you are dealing with Sabbatean families.

Second, we are back with the WERTHEIMs again – another family tree that is totally, hopelessly, convoluted and distorted, to hide the links between the WERTHEIM family of ‘rabbinic’ Court Jews operating out of Vienna.

Who were also Sabbateans with tight connections to Eibshitz and the Meir Panim, and who helped fund Sabbatean Yehuda Chassid’s ‘mission’ to Eretz Yisrael, in 1700.


Apparently, no-one has any idea who these people married (yeah, right…)

Except when you get to MOSHE TZVI of SAVRAN’s brother, called ‘ARYE LEIB WERTHEIM, ADMOR of BENDERY’.

He marries LEAH, a grand-daughter of R MENACHEM NOCHUM TWERSKY, the MEOR EYNAYIM (1730-1787).

And Leah’s sister CHAVA, marries none other SHALOM SHACHNE of PROHOBYCZ – the dad of ‘ISRAEL of RUZHIN’.

This is how they continually ‘fake’ these family trees, with a cover story that explains how the ‘DNA’ looks how it does.


SHALOM SHACHNE is a real person.

He’s specifically mentioned in Breslov writings, and he was one of the first chassidic teachers of Rabbenu’s main student, Rav Natan Sternhertz.

It seems that back in our pieced-together ‘real history’, his son was ‘MOSHE TZVI of SAVRAN’, who became the biggest persecutor of that same Rav Natan – to the point of even sending assassins to Breslov to murder him in his bed.

That failed, because the assassins got the wrong man called ‘Natan’ in Breslov, and killed him while he slept instead.

These are not nice people.

They operate, literally, like a mafia.


OK, what does all this have to do with YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV, and the Rav’s ancestry?

To put it at its most simple, to end this first part of the story, the real Rebbe who ‘took over’ from the BESHT after he died was this same YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV.

His students included MENACHEM MENDEL of VITEBSK – who headed-up the Chassidic Aliya to Eretz Yisrael in 1777.

And he and his group are the ones who were persecuted by the (Sabbatean….) kabbalist Rabbis of the Brody Kloiz, who promulgated those famous decrees ‘against chassidut’.


The Rav seems to be a direct descendent of this same YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV, who in turn is a direct descendent of R YITZHAK CHAYOT, the main rabbi of Prague whose daughter married the MAHARAL.

And R YITZHAK CHAYOT was a son-after-son descendent of RASHI, who in turn was a son-after-son descendant of King David.

[UPDATE: This is banded around as a ‘fact’ in so many places, but after a comment from ‘Sam’ below, it seems this is also not true. Rashi only had daughters.)

It’s one of the very few Jewish families whose yichus is actually well-known and accepted, as descendants of King David.


In Part 2, we are going to take a closer look at who R YECHIEL MICHEL of ZLOTCHOV actually was.

And what he was trying to do to ‘bring the geula’ and continue the true path of the Baal Shem Tov.

And who was persecuting him, and why.

And how that is connected to the Chassidic aliya to Eretz Yisrael.

And we’ll also try to figure out why Chabad, in particular, have lied about so much of what occurred around this tranche of ‘real Jewish history’ – and are continuing to lie to us all still, today.


The last thing to tell you is that at the same time that the ‘Maggid of Mezeritch’ was said to be preaching and living there, there was another very famous ‘Maggid of Mezeritch’ in town, who was also preaching and teaching out of the shul in Mezeritch.

His name was YAAKOV KOPEL LIFSHITZ – and he was a well-known Sabbatean.


In the ‘fake’ history of chassidut passed down to us by the Sabbateans, he was said to be the BESHT’s ba’al koreh.

Personally, I don’t believe that at this stage.

But if it’s true, then that makes this YAAKOV KOPEL LIFSHITZ an even closer match for the persona that became ‘DOV BER, the MAGGID of MEZERITCH’.


That will do for Part I.

Stay tuned, for Part II.



Just to keep all this tied up in the same box, if you go back to the Kotzk blog post linked to above, about the Sabbatean Yaakov Kopel Lifshitz, the other ‘Maggid of Mezeritch’, you’ll learn a few pertinent details.


  1. He authored the ‘Kol Yaakov’ siddur that many people are still using today.
  2. He authored the (secret Sabbatean philosophical) book ‘Sha’arei Gan Eden.
  3. Rebbe Nachman publically spoke against this ‘Sha’arei Gan Eden’ book.
  4. There is an ‘overlap’ between the personas of Yaakov Kopel Lifshitz, the Sabbatean Maggid of Mezeritch and author of Sha’arei Gan Eden, and someone called “Rabbi Yaakov Kopel Chasid, from whom the Hager family descent” – who apparently was the shaliach tzibbur of the BESHT.

Because we know they lie about everything, and that also ‘Chasid’ was a surname of many of the leading Sabbateans – including Yehuda Chassid – it’s going to take a lot more birur to see if these two Yaakov Kopels really are different people – or just two personas of the same Sabbatean preacher, whose descendants then ‘infiltrated’ back into the Jewish community.



A few years ago, I did a deep-dive on ‘narcissists’ and so-called ‘Narcissist Personality Disorder’ (NPD).

By ‘deep dive’, I mean I read tens of books, did hours and hours and hours of praying about how to handle the ‘narcs’ in my own life, and my own ‘narcissistic tendencies’, that I was just waking up to.

And I also did a lot of soul-searching about whether ‘unfixable narcs’ can ever make teshuva.


I’m not talking about the people who are raised in narcissistic environments, and who have picked up ‘fleas’ from the narcs, in terms of how they interact with others.

You know, like all the ‘pretend perfection’; ‘I can do no wrong’; calling other people ‘silly’ and ‘stupid’ (like, all the time….); guilt trips, insults, manipulative mind games etc etc.

All of us sometimes trip into these bad middot, that doesn’t make a person a ‘narc’.

What makes a person a ‘narc’, is that they are never the problem, they never have any teshuva to make, nothing to apologise for. It’s always everyone else’s fault.

And most of all, and probably the real ‘clue’ that you’re dealing with a narc, is that your stomach usually turns in knots after interactions with them, and you experience tremendous discomfort all up and down your vagus nerve.


Why is this?

Because we interact consciously with the outer ‘shell’ of the narcissist, which is carefully controlled, and carefully presented, to appear a certain way (i.e. ‘pretend perfect’, can-do-no-wrong, always right about everything etc etc.)

But our subconscious is picking up the very strong subliminal messages that this person is dangerous. This person is nasty. This person is bad news – run away fast, now!!!


In the West, in particular, we were all taught to stifle these ‘warning signs’, so that people in authority could continue to abuse us, manipulate us, ‘brainwash us’ in to seeing things – everything! – their way.

So it is, that so many people (especially in places like NYC and London) go through life literally never understanding that most of their social interactions, most of their ‘mind set’, most of their beliefs – it’s all being shaped by the narcs in their life.

Getting free of the narcs is probably the single biggest thing anyone can do for their own mental health, happiness and ‘freedom of soul’.

(And also, physical health. Because spending too much time around ‘narc energy’ can literally make you physically sick, on so many levels.)


But it’s so hard to do, because the narcs don’t take kindly to losing their ‘influence’ over others, or their ‘pretend perfect’ appearance, and they will fight tooth and nail to keep everyone jumping to their tune.

Especially, the unfortunate people who happen to be their close family members, or work colleagues.


There is a huge amount of overlap between ‘Cluster B’ personalities, as it was fashionable to call narcs ten years ago, and ‘Erev Rav’ personality traits.

You can download Unlocking the Secret of the Erev Rav HERE, for free, which lists all this stuff out exhaustively.

But it’s almost a perfect fit.

And that’s why it’s so important for more of us to understand how these narcs operate, what they do to is – and perhaps most importantly, who they really are.


One of the most useful ‘quick tools’ I ever came across for cluing you into whether you are dealing with a narc is called ‘the Sinking Titanic Test’.

It goes like this:

Imagine that you are on the deck of the Titanic.

There is one lifejacket left – and two of you on board who needs it.

You, and the other person you are ‘feeling out’, mentally.

What happens next?


If you literally take the minute required to ‘imagine’ this scene, you’ll find that your subconscious instantly jumps at the chance to show you what your relationship with this person is actually really like, at least, from the subconscious perspective.

For example, one of the people I ‘imagined’ showed up with a machine gun and barked at me they would blow my head off, if I so much as took a step closer to him and his precious lifejacket.

(Yup…. That fit 100%).


Meanwhile, when I did it imagining my husband, neither of us wanted to be the one ‘left behind’ without the other one, so we both went down with the Titanic.

And that was fine with us.


Meanwhile, some other person came up with a million justifications for why the world really needed ‘smart people’ like him, while ‘stupid people’ like me – well, we were surplus to requirements, and the argument was over.

(Again, yup…. That fit 100%).


I highly, highly recommend you try this easy exercise yourself.

Run a whole bunch of people in your circle through it, and you’ll soon start to pick up the real ‘vibe’ of who that person really is, and how they really treat you, and how they really make you feel.

(Warning: if you are from the US or the UK, or other ‘Anglo’ places, where two-faced hypocrisy is the order of the day, you will probably get quite the shock from this…. But ultimately, it’s better to know who and what you are dealing with.)

And may Hashem save us from the clutches of the Erev Rav in our midst, and the ‘Erev Rav’ tendencies that so many of us still have.

I had a long trip to make today, which gave me the chance to listen to some shiurim from Rav Shlomo Elmaliach, from post Purim.

I’m just going to paraphrase what Rav Elmaliach was saying, the main points. If you have Hebrew, I highly recommend you listen yourself, as there are undoubtedly some nuances and details that I will miss in the paraphrasing.

And if you are stuck with the English paraphrasing, hopefully I’ve captured the main points, without errors.

(That said, if there are errors or important omissions, feel free to let me know in the comments.)


Shiur 1:

Rav Elmaliach is explaining how even within Shuvu Banim, a lot of people didn’t really believe he was getting real messages from the Rav via what he calls ‘tikshoret’.

This, R Elmaliach explains elsewhere, is happening either with the ‘Tzaddik Nistar’ in the middle, who calls him and tells him what the Rav has said.

Or increasingly now, it seems, Rav Elmaliach is having conversations directly with the ‘dimut’ of the Rav.


[Ed. Note: If this sounds weird, there are so many stories of the Rav being seen physically, when it’s literally physically impossible for him to be seen where he is being seen.

To give one recent example, a totally secular soldier from Gaza came back with prayers from Rav Berland in his pocket. When someone asked him how he had those prayers, he explained that ‘a rabbi’ showed up in the middle of the fighting, told them not to go into a certain house, which was booby-trapped, and then handed out these prayers, which he said would protect the soldiers.]


Rav Elmaliach explains that the day before the awful crash which killed three bochurim from Shuvu Banim last week, the Rav spoke to him via tikshor and requested that he ask the community to say 7 tikkun haklalis that afternoon at 4.30pm, plus another 7 TKs the following morning (the day of the crash.)

R Elmaliach says that the people who run the two main Shuvu phone lines didn’t want to call an atzeret based on what he told them, and basically ignored him.

The next day, the three young men died…. And a lot of people in Shuvu, including the people running the kavim, apparently made a lot of teshuva, about doubting what’s been going on with R Elmaliach.


Three young men were also injured in that crash.

One of them, Dov Heller, who is often seen next to the Rav on the bima, escaped with barely a scratch.

Another young man called Snir had a very bad prognosis, as his skull was fractured. The Rav called his parents 4-5 days after the accident and asked them to put the phone next to Snir’s head, who sounds like he was unconscious still.

The Rav told him to wake up, that he was going to be healthy again, and that he wanted to see Snir at the Shabbat prayers that coming Friday.

Amazingly, this is what happened.

Snir amazed the doctors, started to recover in a way that can only be called ‘miraculous’ – and came to the Beit HaRav on Shabbat to pray and bench the gomel prayer.


In the next video, around 22 minutes long, Rav Elmaliach describes much more about what was going on ‘behind the scenes’ on Motzae Shabbat, down on Ido HaNavi.

Long story short, he got a phone call from the Tzaddik Nistar, to tell him that starting at exactly 9pm, he was to start singing David Melech Yisrael, chai, chai v’kayam, with the crowds until 10pm.

R Elmaliach explains that a little earlier in the week, the Rav had told R Eliyahu Succot that he was going to be revealed as moshiach at 10pm motzash, so R Elmaliach assumed that was the ‘preparation’.


He explains for the last month and a half, there has been a terrible machloket raging in heaven, between the Rav and Rebbe Nachman on one hand, who want to push off the geula for another six years, so more people can make teshuva and fewer Jews will die in this process, God forbid.

And the rest of the tzaddikim, who are demanding that ‘moshiach’ openly reveals himself now, so geula can begin in earnest.

R Elmaliach said that the Rav has still not given up on the six years, and so the argument is continuing. He says he is still very scared about what will be, in connection to geula now or pushed off for another six years.


Anyway, so the Rav gave R Elmaliach strict instructions to begin singing this song with the kehilla at 9pm, and then at 9.30, to also start singing ‘yehi Melech HaMoshiach HaRav Eliezer Berland’ from 9.30pm to 10pm.

R Elmaliach was then to say the brachot for Moshiach, without the shem Hashem, with the crowd at 10pm etc.

They were then meant to dance at 11pm.

[I know all this is hard to take in. But whatever the Rav wants – all the way! He knows way, way more about what needs fixing here than any of us do. And this is the whole test of emunat tzaddikim, to stick close precisely when it all seems so weird.]


At 8.55pm, the Rav then went into his house – and somehow, the speaker system that is at Shuvu every single night, and was there until 8.55pm motzash, totally disappeared.

That left R Elmaliach in quite the pickle and he said he was seriously panicking about how he was meant to get the crowds singing etc.

Long story short, a little while later on the men’s side, they started dancing and singing that spontaneously, and then R Elmaliach could kind of join in and guide them.

He explains the dancing went on to 1.30am – and that by that point, there was a huge feeling of joy and uplift.


[This ties in with Jude’s experience. I left at 11pm, when it was still feeling very confused and pretty ‘flat’.]


R Elmaliach then explains that after motzash, he was basically told that the Rav has struck a ‘deal’ with the other tzaddikim, to push off the open revelation of Moshiach until 25th Elul, 5784 – six more months.

And in that time, there is an urgent need to get as many people making real teshuva as possible.

What happened motzash was a ‘spiritual’ revelation of Moshiach.

R Elmaliach goes into more details about the legions of tzaddikim who were in attendance on Ido HaNavi, at the soul level – including the 45 martyrs of Meron.


In the meantime, there will be another revelation of Moshiach on Shvii Shel Pesach.

Rav Elmaliach has no idea what form this will take, and whether it will be more ‘gashmi’ and obvious in our world, that time.

Then, the major revelation of Moshiach takes place on Tisha B’Av 5784.

And then, something else is meant to happen on Elul 25th, 5784.

In the middle of all that, Rav Elmaliach also said that the Rav mentioned a nuclear bomb, and that Am Yisrael is going to be going through some very hard stuff, lo alenu.


There are a bunch more interesting details, but this is the main gist.


Last video – Rav Elmaliach explains how he was so broken after motzash, because everyone was having a go at him for the Rav’s ‘no show’.

He says he’s been having tremendous tests of emunat tzaddikim the whole time since this began, on the hiloula of the Baba Sali, and they reached cracking point after motzash.

So then the Rav told him, via tikshor, who his soul was in a previous gilgul, and why he has to go through all this now.


Long story short, Rav Berland’s soul is mamash that of Rav Natan Sternhertz, Rabbenu’s main pupil.

After Rebbe Nachman’s death, Breslov chassidut split into many ‘rival’ groups – and all of them were holek against Rav Natan, and especially his insistence that Rabbenu’s path should continue after his death, as it was during his life.

I.e. Going to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, hitbodedut for an hour every day, and shmirat habrit etc.


R Elmaliach says that the Rav told him he was the gilgul of a Litvak mitnaged who then became a pupil of Rabbenu for seven years, before he died. This man then apparently became the chief person who ‘went against’ Rav Natan, and caused Rav Natan so much terrible suffering.

(R Elmaliach was told the name of his previous incarnation, but won’t share it. He said it’s someone that no-one talks about, but one of the experts on Breslov history actually found someone by that name, after R Elmaliach went to speak to him about who that person actually was.)

So now, Rav Natan is back as the Rav, and R Elmaliach is back with the tikkun of having to undergo terrible public bizayon on behalf of the Rav, to atone for what he did last time around to distance people away from Rav Natan.


R Elmaliach asked him, post-Purim, how much of this tikkun he’d now completed, after 40 years of being the Rav’s faithful student, and going through all the bizayon of being part of Shuvu, and now all this stuff as well.

The Rav told him: 92%.

When I heard that, I laughed out loud for five minutes.

No-one can make this stuff up.

And R Elmaliach says that he now knows he’s got another 8% of ‘bizayon’ to go through – but he’s feeling so, so much happier now, that he understands the deeper reasons why he is going through this.


To sum up: He says the Rav sees souls, not ‘bodies’.

And this whole process is about rectifying those souls, in whichever way is required, but especially, via lots and lots of bizayon.


Ad kan, dear reader.

If you are also feeling a bit of heat at the moment for daring to be ‘pro’ the Rav, even in the smallest of ways, take heart: none of this is stam.

It’s all fixing something, cleaning something, repairing something.

That’s the whole point of being down here, in this lowly world.

And it’s much better to get fixed via bizayon, than by terrible suffering in myriad other ways.

So, stand firm!

The truth will shine out very clearly, soon.

Just hang on until it does.

Here in Israel, there was a ‘debate’ about whether we were allowed to be happy on Purim.

I was hoping to get this shiur translated and up before Purim, but in the end that didn’t happen, so I’m sticking it up now.

I still have more to translate from this particular shiur – it’s the one where the Rav talked about everyone in Kiev being murdered and then a massive war starting, hopefully, that all got sweetened.

And I am also planning to paraphrase more of the stuff from Rav Elmaliach.

In the meantime…. the bizayon against the Rav is reaching new heights again, exactly as he planned.

That’s the only way to sweeten the harsh decrees, and anyone who is even semi-conscious can understand the situation right now is still very difficult for Jews all over the world.

My mum in the UK told me they are running ‘poor Gaza’ stories as the headline news every day, that there are massive crowds of angry people still demonstrating against Jews (ahem, I meant against Israel….) every weekend in the UK.

And the Jews there are feeling pretty nervous.

So…. lots and lots to ‘sweeten’ still, and I don’t expect the bizayon against the Rav to let up any time soon.

Whoopee do.


Excerpt of shiur given on Wednesday March 6th, Parshat Vayakhel 5784

Now, we are before Purim, which is a mitzvah d’orayta.

The Chatam Sofer said in Yoreh Deah 234 that ‘to be happy on Purim’ is a mitzva d’orayta.

The [other] mitzvoth [like reading the megilla etc] are de rabbanan. But essentially, ‘simcha’ – happiness – [is d’orayta].

“On a day of your happiness and on your festivals, and on your new moons, you shall sound the trumpets over your burnt-offerings and over your feast and peace-offerings; and they shall be a remembrance for you before your God; I am Hashem you God.”[1]

This is said in Parshat Ba’alotecha, we say this after Tisha B’av, “you shall sound the trumpets”,which is a mitzvah on every chag.


And Purim was the biggest miracle of all the miracles.

There never was a miracle like this! Even when Moshiach comes, there won’t be a miracle like this, that for three days they hung up the enemies of the Jews.

And now us – 80 years ago, there was the worst disaster for Am Yisrael, of all time [i.e. The Shoah. Hitler, may his name be erased] ruled for 12 years, from [19]33 to [19]45, until erev L’ag B’omer.


Rav Zilberman was a Boyaner chassid, so it seems. He did the lighting [on the roof of the Tzion at Rashbi]. The lighting [on the roof in Meron] only belonged to the Boyaners. The Ruzhiner appointed the Admor of Boyan and that’s the way it was from generation to generation, that they did the lighting.

That year, which was 5705 (1945) he [Rav Zilberman] said now we are waiting [to do the lighting] until the moon shines. He found an excuse. They said, what’s with the shining of the moon?! The shining of the moon will only be at 10.05pm! Only at 10pm – that’s already on the 18th!

Already on the night of the 18th… Everyone was exploding. [They always] Light immediately after shkeya (twilight). Ten minutes after shkeya they do the lighting. And he’s already waiting three hours!

He said: I’m waiting for the moon to shine.

They didn’t understand what he was saying. The moon will shine at 10.05pm.

At ten minutes to ten, the newsflash arrived that the same enemy of the Jews [Hitler, may his name be erased], a gilgul of Haman, had killed himself.

All of this happened on erev L’ag B’omer, in the merit of Rashbi.

Therefore, we need to go to Rashbi every L’ag B’omer. He stopped the war.


Now, we are waiting.

In another two weeks, Sunday night, it’s already the first of Adar Bet.

Motzae Shabbat is already the 30th of Adar (alef). Whoever eats after shekyah on motzash needs to say ya’aleh ve’yavo, so in order not to get into a situation of doubt, we need to finish the first kazayit [of bread] before shkeya.

Afterwards, you can eat vegetables, fruit and snacks.


The whole matter is that we are now standing before the greatest mitzvah.

All the festivals in the future will be cancelled, apart from the days of Purim. So, [there’s a kooshia] what, that means there’s no Pesach?! There won’t be Rosh Hashana?! There won’t be Shavuot?!

Rather, the meaning is that the light of Purim will shine.

Now, we don’t see the light of Purim.

Because on Purim, the light of truth is revealed.

Purim is the day when everyone is able to come close to Rabbenu, to understand the point of truth, to understand where the ‘point of truth’ actually is, the real truth.

Every judge that gives over a true judgement, it’s a though he’s a partner with Hashem, in the creation of the heavens and earth!

The world only stands [in the merit] of those who go with the real truth, because there are many different types of ‘truth.’

But the ‘real truth’ – there is only one real truth. And this is revealed on Purim – the real truth is revealed!

Shekimu v’kiblu (they fulfilled and they accepted [the Torah]).


The Gemara in Tractate Shabbat says that on Purim, kiblu – that they accepted the receiving of the Torah that took place on Purim. This was a thousand years, a thousand years after Matan Torah. Kimu v’kiblu.

(960 years from Matan Torah).


So why did the churban occur [of the first Temple]?

If they accepted the Torah only on Purim? Kimu v’kiblu! So why was the First Temple destroyed? Why are we in galut? Why?

After all, the acceptance of the Torah was only 960 years later, 850 years after they entered Eretz Yisrael, and another 40 in the desert, and another 70 in the galut [in Babylonia].

[The Purim Miracle] was at the end of this 70 years. This is another 110 [years], so 960 years after this – only then was Purim. So Tosfot ask, why did Hashem destroy the land? After all, they still hadn’t truly accepted the Torah?!

The mountain was held over them like a barrel. Although they cried out na’seh v’nishma (we will do and we will listen), with one eye, they were already looking at the Golden Calf.


Because [in Egypt], everyone was serving avoda zara, except for the three tribes that were written in Vaira – Reuven, Shimon and Levi[2].

Shimon didn’t serve avoda zara, Reuven didn’t serve avoda zara, and Levi didn’t serve avoda zara. But the rest of the nine tribes, everyone had fallen into avoda zara, together with Ephraim and Menashe,[3] this is 10 tribes.

So, everyone fell into serving avoda zara. They were there for 210 years, and slowly, slowly, they became assimilated with the goyim.


It’s like before the expulsion from Spain.

Everyone was already apikorsim (non-believers; heretics).

[The Jewish community in Spain before the expulsion] had been there for 781 years.

Exactly like the period of time from the entry into Eretz Yisrael until the churban (destruction of the First Temple). There is was 850, here it was 781.

In those years, everyone had already assimilated. The RASHBA writes in Keter Malchut that already, everyone had assimilated. They screamed at him, why are you still keeping the Torah?!

They were already waiting to start marrying non-Jewish women.


Like [what was happening in Shushan], where everyone had already married non-Jewish women.

[And so it’s written:] “The City of Shushan was bewildered.” Why ‘bewildered’?[4]

This is because everyone had engaged in mixed marriages.

Like in the Shoah, where half the people had already assimilated, in the Holocaust. So Purim, this was already total assimiliation. And then suddenly, within three days, they saw such a total miracle.[5]

“For three days, do not eat and do not drink.”


There was R’ Avraham Elimelech of Karlin, he wanted to cancel [the decree of] the Holocaust.

He knew that there was going to be a Shoah – R’ Avraham Elimelech of Karlin. So, he came after Tisha B’Av[6]


Hitler said that now, he was going to annihilate the Jews.

He said for this seven years, day and night. Every speech, he said the first thing, I am going to annihilate the Jews. I will conquer Europe, and I will make a new order here. Germany is from the Aryan race.

‘Aryan’ is ‘Lion’ – ‘Aryan’ is from the language of radiance. The meaning of ‘Aryan’ is that it is the race that ‘irradiates’ the world, that it’s the ‘projector’ of the world. This is called ‘Aryan – it’s the projector of the world, it’s the ‘chosen race’, and the rest of the races are its servants.

And the Jews must be annihilated, which is the race that is ‘against’ their race.


There is a book [written by Hitler], Mein Kampf, that is being found by the terrorists [now in Gaza]. This book is in almost every house – Mein Kampf.

It says that the first things is to annihilate the Jews.

There are the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and they don’t know who wrote this, [about] who the Jews intend to destroy the world, and to conquer the world.


So, it’s written that the decree of Purim was pushed off [until the Shoah]….


And now, we are standing another two weeks before the greatest day of our life.

All the festivals will be cancelled, apart from Purim. So, the Chatam Sofer wrote that the simcha (on Purim) is de’orayta.

Reading the megillah is de’rabbanan. But essentially, the simcha on Purim (is de’orayta). To praise, to recognise the miracle, to thank for the miracle. We need to blow the shofars, and on trumpets.

“To blow on trumpets.”

So, the Chatam Sofer said that Hallel was de orayta, this is those who say Hallel on Pesach, and Hallel on Shavuot.


On Pesach, we only say half of Hallel, because [Hashem said] the work of My hands is drowned in the sea [and you are saying a song?!]

If the work of My hands is drowning in the sea, so it’s impossible to recite Hallel, because why didn’t you return them in teshuva? How is it possible, that there is such an Amram like this, and such a Moshe like this [and they didn’t bring the non-Jews back to God?]


Amram divorced Yocheved, so he already lost his strength.

So his daughter [Miriam] said to him, you are worse than Pharoah! All this is written in the Gemara, Tractate Sotah.

His daughter said to him, you are worse than Pharoah! What did you do to us?! Pharoah said, ‘Every son that will be born – into the River shall you throw him.”[7] [But the girls remain alive. But by divorcing, there are now also no girls.]

Everyone got divorced! The whole of Am Yisrael!

Amram insisted on getting divorced, and this was a huge disaster. Miriam was a child of five and a half. She went into the Sanhedrin, and said what is this?! How are you supporting such a thing as this?!

Her father was the head of the generation. The RAMBAM brings down in [his commentary on] Shoftim, Chapter 9, that the whole masoret (tradition) passed via Amram. The RAMBAM brings down that all the 613 mitzvoth, all the masoret – observing Shabbat, everything that is kept – everything was passed down via Amram.

The RAMBAM here, on Chapter 9, on the halachot about Kings.


Each person needs to study the RAMBAM, five chapters a day.

And then it’s possible to finish it within a year. Now, it was the yahrtzeit of the RAMBAM, on the 20th Tevet.

The Rebbe[8] said that halacha is according to the RAMBAM, the halacha on every thing is according to the RAMBAM. And in the future, they will pasken (decide) the halacha like the RAMBAM.

So, the RAMBAM brings down here the chain of transmission.[9]

[Skipping some]


The RAMBAM said: I wrote this commentary on the Mishnayot when I was travelling from sea to sea [when he moved to Eretz Yisrael], without books.

He didn’t have any books, and he already knew the whole of the SHAS. Everything was set out for him like in a drawer, like in a cabinet, like an encyclopaedia that is organised by its headings.

By 17, everything was already arranged by him.


The RAMBAM was born in Spain, and he had to run away from the Muslims.

He moved to Fais ? [in Morocco]. There is where he was. He got to Fais aged seven, and until 21 he was in Fais.

And after this, he decided that he was going to travel to Eretz Yisrael, and he came here. There was a famine here, and so he went to Egypt.


[Skipping some].

Now, it’s going to be Ramadan.

They[10] want to obliterate everything here. They said that by Ramadan already, there won’t be a single Jew left here. It’s like on Purim, when they said that there wouldn’t be a single Jew left in the world.

And they will bring here 100,000 Arabs, to destroy.

Maybe, we’ll move to Kiryat Menachem, maybe we’ll move to Beitar. Really.

Because here already, not a single Jew will remain.


They said, yes, limit [the number of Arabs allowed to ascend Har Habayit on Ramadan], don’t limit.

Bibi said go up, all the Arabs can come to Jerusalem.

There are two million Arabs. Not a single Jew will remain alive.[11]

In any case, then I’’ll come and move in with you, there’s no choice.


It’s the story in Istanbul, when the Baal Shem Tov was in Istanbul.[12]

So they said, by six in the morning, not a single Jew will remain!

And they made a condition, that no-one could tell them [i.e. The Jews]. Whoever would tell, they would hang him. Because the moment that the Jews knew that was a decree to kill them, so they would bribe everyone, and within a second, they would nullify the decree.

So, they made a decree.

This is a true story, that we tell over on the shvii shel Pesach.

Be here on the shvii shel Pesach,and then you can hear the whole story.[13]


In any case, the Baal Shem Tov started to sing: To do big wonders by Himself…

He got to Istanbul on the way to Eretz Yisrael.

The Rebbe said [that in order to get to Eretz Yisrael], you need to get to the ‘smallest of the small’.

Eretz Yisrael is the ‘greatest of the great’.

So, the Rebbe took off his shoes, he took off his shirt. He stayed just with his undershirt and his trousers. And like this for a whole month, he played war games in the street. He played with swords, he played that we are the French, and you are the Ishmaelites.

All this is brought down in Shivei HaRan.

And there is a book that describes exactly how the Rebbe used to hang around on the streets, until the Satan left him alone. It said travel to Eretz Yisrael! You’re already not ‘Rebbe Nachman’!


The Baal Shem Tov travelled [to try to get to Eretz Yisrael].

The Smichat Hachamim travelled; the [Vilna] Gaon travelled, and the Iggeret HaGra was when he travelled to Eretz Yisrael.

He wrote the Iggeret HaGra to his wife with masculine language [grammar?].

[He was asked] if there was an obligation to go and pray in a beit knesset, he said lo talechi (don’t proceed), because there, everyone talks nonsense.

Today, they are already praying, but once, they didn’t know how to pray. They didn’t know aleph-bet, they just used to talk nonsense.

The whole Iggeret HaGra was [written] when he was travelling. He left from Koenigsburg, and there is his signature in Amsterdam. The signature of the CHIDA – the CHIDA is Chaim Yosef.

The CHIDA is the grandson of the Chesed L’Avraham.

[The Vilna Gaon was] Elihu ben Shlomo.

So, [they signed] one after another.


Whoever travelled [to Eretz Yisrael] had to go via Amsterdam, and there he would be accepted, there, and they would register him.

And they would send [people] to Eretz Yisrael according to this registration list.

You are with ten children, you are with 20 children.

And each one, according to…. And the Sephardim were registered in Istanbul.

In Istanbul, everyone was a billionaire.



[1] Bamidbar 10, 10.

[2] See Shemot 6.

[3] I.e. That the tribe of Yosef was split into that of Ephraim and Menashe, so it came to 10 tribes who were serving avoda zara.

[4] I.e. Why is it referring to the whole of the city of Shushan as being ‘bewildered’ and not just the Jewish community alone?

[5] By way of listening to the instructions of Esther who told them the following.

[6] He came to Eretz Yisrael, and said that if everyone would fast on Rosh Hashana, the decree of the Holocaust would be nullified.

[7] Shenot 1:23.

[8] See Siach Sarfey Kodesh II, 56.

[9] See Rambam, Halachot Malachim, 9:1).

[10] It’s not clear who the Rav is referring to here.

[11] Two days before the first day of Ramadan, the Rav warned publically on multiple occasions that a terrible pogrom was being planned for the Meah Shearim neighborhood for 8.30am Sunday morning. In the event, at exactly that time, the Rav was taken to hospital in a very serious, life-threatening condition. As has happened so many times before, it appears that the Tzaddik took the harsh decree upon himself.

Three days later, three of the holiest boys from the Shuvu Banim community were killed in a terrible car accident returning from visiting Kivrei Tzaddikim in the Shomron, and two of their friends were seriously injured. But the pogrom in Meah Shearim didn’t materialise, Baruch Hashem.

[12] Regular readers of the Rav’s lessons will recognise that Rav Berland frequently refers back to this story of the Baal Shem Tov in Istanbul, and updates it with new details, when there is a new harsh decree that requires ‘sweetening’.

[13] According to Rav Elmaliach’s message, the second revelation of four of the soul of Moshiach is meant to occur on the shvi shel Pesach, 5784.


Lots and lots of hints and allusions to the Sabbateans in this shiur.

Those same people, and their descendants, are still going after the Rav.

Ha mavin yavin.


It’s amazing how different life is ‘offline’.

Now that I am having a regular three days off from the ‘pace’ of keeping up with the internet, and the 24 hour (fake) ‘news’ cycle, that just keeps us all hopping from one manipulated event to another, I feel like my brain is finally starting to kick back in to a more relaxed and contemplative mode.

Not all the time.

There is still a lot of ‘stress’ in the air, a lot of tension in myself, and the world, but when I sit here with the internet totally off, and I just look at my window in Jerusalem as I type, I can finally catch up with myself a little.

When the internet insinuated itself into our lives 24/7, it created a paradigm where, like it or not, we are trapped ‘reacting’ to information 24/7.

And so much of that information – even if it’s true, a big ‘if’ – tends to just cause worry, anxiety, despair and stress.

At best.


By contrast, the main but by no means only benefit of doing hitbodedut for an hour a day is that instead of just hopping from one piece of ‘information’ or stimulation, and reacting to it (usually from a negative place) – you get some time to stop and reflect.

And to ask yourself am I really dealing with things that way I should be? The way God wants me to? What’s really motivating me right now? Is it really coming from a good place, or is it just my yetzer, dressing itself up as my ‘inner tzaddik’ again?

Stuff like that.


On Purim, I had a few opportunities to ‘react’, and a couple of hours to ‘reflect’ on why I was acting and behaving the way I was.

For example, I had planned to listen to the megillah reading at night in one of the local shuls.

I tried going to the Rav last year, and it was a total flop. After waiting an hour and a half to get a chair and a good spot, I then needed the bathroom – and the chair was gone when I got back.

So then, I tried sitting on a wall a little further away for the megillah reading.

But I couldn’t hear very well. So then, I tried calling the Rav’s kav to listen to it via phone and also in person. And then, I just got too overwhelmed with the crowd of people, and decided I was going to finish listening to the megilla in the car….


The minute after I got in the car, the phone switched off, and refused to come back on.

I’d already totally stuffed-up my megillah reading, and by that point it was so late, I knew I couldn’t find another place to go to.

So I ended up reading the megillah in my car, by myself, from a book, in English. Thus, totally not fulfilling my obligation to hear it in any way.

It was another ‘Rav special’.

So this year, I decided I am going to a local shul, like a regular person, and getting it heard in a ‘regular’ way.



Two hours before megillah reading at 6.30pm, my daughter informed me that her in-laws were inviting us over for a l’chaim.

I kind of hit the roof what?! What’s wrong with these people, that they don’t know that is the main time for the megillah reading?!?

Our mechutonim are very nice people. They came from Russia, and with a ton of mesirut nefesh they keep a lot more mitzvot than a lot of other people in their circumstances. But, there are big ‘gaps’ in what they do, and what they know about, and on Purim, we kind of fell into one.


So, I’m having a rant about what’s wrong with these people…. And then my daughter gets very upset with me (because, we are all still in the ‘honeymoon stage’ of trying to be nice to the mechutonim at every price)…. And then I realised, I have a choice to make.

Either, I can stick with my plan, to get to shul at 6.30pm, and hear the megillah in a regular way, like a normal person, and thus cause my daughter quite a big problem with the mechutonim who are trying so hard to ‘do Purim’ and to participate in such an annoying way….


I can swallow my pride, and fight down my ego, and hear megillah later on at the Chabad super-fast, non-stop pop-up reading at the local Yes Planet Mall, together with my daughter and her new husband….


I sighed a big sigh.

And then I said, sure we’ll come, what time do you want us?

(My husband left early, and went as planned to the Rav for the megillah reading. They danced for an hour before it even began….)


So then, at 7pm, I was sat at the Yes Planet, just outside the plated glass windows of the food court, in front of McDonalds.

To the left of me, there were massive mall-sized posters of the latest movies playing literally  right next to where we sitting.

The whole place was full of flashing lights, mall-sized ‘fun fair attractions’ for tots with tons of noise and distractions.

And of course, men and women were sat together to hear the megillah, with a few of the audience also playing on their smartphones, half-listening.

I tried to hide myself in my megillah, and to just focus on the words, which I could barely read fast enough, even in English, in order to keep up with the Chabad guy who was barrelling through the megillah at 5,000 miles an hour.

I felt pretty deflated about the whole thing.

It was another ‘Rav Special’.


The following morning, I decide I am getting up at the crack of dawn, to get to a proper shul, with a proper megillah, where the men and women are seperate, where I can follow what’s being said, and where I don’t have a fat guy with an i-Phone in my line of vision, whispering away while stuffing his face with an icecream.


The shul was Ashkenazi, full of old Americans – and had one kid dressed as ‘Queen Esther’ who kept attracting disapproving stares for breathing too loud.

The megillah started exactly on time.

It was done very quickly, but every word was perfectly enunciated, as per halacha.

They made a noise for every mention of ‘Haman’ – but the grogger was only swung once, the table was only banged in a precise way, three taps per mention.

It was a totally ‘Type A’ anglo experience.


For the first ten minutes, I kind of liked it.

Then, I noticed one of the main ‘disapproving’ women was also casting ‘disapproving looks’ at my megillah, which is the cartoon animated one by Gadi Pollack.

And then, the ‘three taps per Haman’ started to really grate on my nerves, as I could feel that strong undertow of ‘conform or else’ that is the hallmark of so many Anglo-American Jewish experiences.

I didn’t dare to go past the allotted time for ‘drowning out’ Haman, but I passively resisted by skipping making noise a few times, instead.

15 minutes later…. We were done.

And I was on my way home to get on with the mishloach manot.


A few years ago, I had a brainwave.

I now only give two mishloach manot, as per the minimum required, and I usually give them to one ‘friend’ and one ‘enemy’.

The ‘enemies’ are nearly always my neighbors, so that also saves on the travel time.

So, I shlepped off to give to a friend who had just got back from visiting an elderly parent abroad, and was still kind of ‘blown away’ by the whole experience….

I was still feeling pretty down in myself.


Then, I shlepped off to the good bakery, to get a box of hot bourekas for my ‘enemy’ downstairs, who moved in six months ago and proceeded to take over the garden I spent four years weeding and planting and caring for – even though I knew, it’s not ‘my garden’.

I have very complicated landlords, and everything is ‘combinations’ with them, that make everyone involved confused and unhappy.


So, they told the new tenant downstairs that the garden is totally hers to do with as she wishes.

Without mentioning anything to me.

So, she ripped down my fence so she could ‘have a view’, started planting ugly stuff all over the place, moaned at me when I started weeding the sorrell sprouting everywhere post the Spring rain, telling me that I was destroying such beautiful yellow flowers, and also told me I should take out the walnut tree that in theory can get to 100 ft – but in practise has been totally stunted for the last three years, as it’s roots have no space.

Long story short…. I am having a massive test of my middot over the garden.

And I’m not always winning it, because as well as ‘ruling the roost’, the neighbor is also expecting me to carry on doing the massive amount of weeding required to keep the garden in good shape – but without openly acknowledging that, or appreciating all the effort I’ve still been putting into the garden the last few months.

Even though I now have no use of it myself.


So, I was determined to ‘kill my enemy with kindness’ on Purim, as Rabbenu tells us to do.

I bought her a massive box of the bourekas she most likes as a mishloach manot, and left it downstairs with a pear and a kiwi, on a nicely-wrapped tray.

I totally confused her.


(The battle over the garden continues, meantime. I told her yesterday she can take it over 100%, and I am no longer weeding it or taking responsibility for watering it. That felt so good, even though it’s not coming from a good place. What can I do….)


At 12.30pm, shortly before the guests were meant to start showing up for Purim seuda, my ‘down’ mood finally broke.

One of my kid’s friends is a professional DJ.

She showed up with a newly-created ‘Purim set’ of music (that was totally fantastic….) – plus half her professional DJ speakers system.

The roof was jumping off the house, and long story short, we were dancing for 3-4 hours.

I even arranged a temporary ‘mechitzah’ with duvet covers hung from the stair railings, so the dancing was kosher….

By the end of all that, the Purim cloud had finally lifted.


The day after, I was totally knackered.

Not so much physically, but mentally.

And I was also dizzy.

So, I took it easy.


Today, Wednesday, I was debating writing about this.

After all, I’d already missed the ‘window’ of writing immediately after the event…. It’s already old news now, right?

But that’s when I realised how important the ‘reflection’ actually is, as opposed to just constantly ‘reacting’ to stuff all the time, and especially the (fake) ‘news’ cycle, that gives us no time to think and to digest and to contemplate quietly.

And it’s in those quiet moments of reflection that the magic really happens.

That the heart finally opens up a little. That the ego finally quiets down enough for a person to see, wow, I’m still a bit of a psycho after all….

And to make at least some of the teshuva required to overcome those psycho tendencies.

And then, to share that process of reflection with others, to encourage them to turn off the phone, and do some hitbodedut.

Smell the roses….

Spend some time contemplating and not just ‘reacting’ all the time.

And then see how much you learn about yourself, and how things in ‘real life’ start to improve in some awesome ways.

With God’s help.


PS: My neighbor is really not as bad as this makes her sound.

She got misled by my landlords re: the garden, and probably has no idea how sore a point this has become for me.

We will figure all this out.

And in the meantime, it’s shining a spotlight on a lot of bad middot that are still lurking under the rocks in my soul.

Ad 120.


PPS: Apparently, some jerk by the (probably fake…) name of ‘Natan Landesman’ has been making fake copyright claims against some of the old videos my husband and other English speakers recorded for the old Shuvu Banim Youtube site more than seven years ago.

He’s getting them all banned from Youtube, using a fake email, a fake ‘copyright’ claim, and probably, a fake name.

These are the people who are against the Rav…. fake frummers with middot in the toilet.

At best.

I have a theory that most of these people are closet [… guess what I censored here.]

I guess we’ll find out when Moshiach finally comes.

But in the meantime, I am not wasting any time or effort reading the drivel they put out, and I highly recommend you don’t engage with these fake frummers with middot in the toilet either.

There are much better things to do with our time. 

Like, anything, actually.



I am super-dizzy today.

I think there might be more earthquakes on the horizon.

I am going offline until Thursday now, but in partial answer to SimchavSasson’s query about what might be going on with solar flares and sunspots etc, this video has some interesting information on man-made directed energy effects on our planet.

One of my readers just sent me this:

(These are screenshots, btw, don’t try to ‘play’ the images.)

In the middle of the night from Fri March 22 to Sat 23 (Shabbat night) there was a very large explosion on the sun, earth directed, from a huge sunspot in the center of the earth facing sun:


The proton flux, which is the first part of such an event and hits the earth within minutes, looked like this:

Under normal conditions, this would be something like the “Carrington event” that they are always warning that, if it happens, might throw all of our electronics based technologies into chaos.
It won’t be clear whether this is a direct hit, or whether it will miraculously only glance the earth’s magnetosphere, until the main part of this explosion hits the earth.
They can’t say this with certainty, it will be somewhere between now (March 24) and March 26, most likely the night between March 24 and March 25.
They are not really putting this on the news, I guess to avoid panic because there is nothing you can really do about it, anyway, in the “scientific/physical” world (but you can say some Tikkun Haklalis!)
I would recommend turning off and unplugging devices tonight, so that if there is a direct hit they dont get fried.

NASA is now saying this will produce with 90% certainty minor interruptions, and with 45% certainty major interruptions, over the next 2 days.


Ad kan, from my correspondent.

As always, the timing is everything.

The Rav asked four days ago for an extra 100,000 Tikkun Haklalis to be said, by midnight of Shushan Purim.

Now, we start to see a bit more ‘behind the curtain’, about what is actually going on here.


Three weeks ago, on March 6th, the Rav gave a whole big shiur about Purim which I am in the middle of translating.

This is the bit that jumped out at me (after the video), after I read the ‘news’ about the shooting in the Russian theatre (which was either done by Russia itself, or was arranged by the CIA.)

You recall that Obama and the USA created and supported the ISIS mercenaries to topple Assad in Syria. This isn’t ‘conspiracy’, it’s proven fact. Here’s Putin himself, explaining how that works:


Anyway, the point is, why would ‘ISIS’ take on Russia right now?

What would be the point, exactly?

Especially as ISIS is  just a bunch of paid mercenaries that switch sides and kill people depending on who is paying them more….

So who paid ISIS to pull off that Russian theatre massacre?

Putin, or Biden?

And the point is – it doesn’t really matter.

Because they both work for the Satanic masons, and the whole goal here is to just provide Russia with another excuse to reignite the war in Ukraine by stepping things up a level.


Anyway, here is what the Rav said three weeks ago, in the middle of the shiur about Purim, apparently apropros of nothing:

Now they will enter Kiev, and murder the whole city.

You will have a war with the whole world.


I read that on Shabbat, and it seemed so out of place – not least, because the war in Ukraine has fizzled.

But not anymore!

Cue: more war, more threats of nukes – and then the ‘alien invasion’ to save us all from nuclear armageddon.



The point is: the timing is everything.

Read the update on THIS post, if you didn’t see it already.

The next few months are going to be extremely interesting, culminating in a ‘bloody’ Elul – and then redemption. For whoever makes it through this process.

BH, it won’t be Jewish blood flowing like a river this time around.

Bezrat Hashem.


So, keep going with the Tikkun HaKlalis, even though we small people have no idea what is really going on.

Our prayers and sincerity and simple emuna are literally changing everything.

But the test is, we usually can’t see it ourselves.



One of my readers sent me this, about their EMF protection shirt they’ve started wearing (and testing out with their EMF-o-meter):


I asked them for the links and this is what they sent me:


I haven’t tried it myself, but I’m passing on the info incase others find it helpful, and I know this reader has literally been doing experiments with their EF-o-meter for months, and is constantly doing other experiments to try and figure off how to ward-off as much radiation as possible.
Try it if it speaks to you (and you can afford it).

In the meantime, I am still planning on being offline Monday – Wednesday, inclusive.

And it looks like a bunch more people may be joining me, albeit unwillingly, if this latest solar flare fries their equipment.
That’s one way of ‘smashing the smartphone’….
It really could be a massive blessing in disguise.



Shavua Tov!

So…. What happened yesterday, motzash, down on Ido HaNavi?

The short answer is: nothing much.

Me and my husband got into our glad rags, we got there an hour later than planned, at 9.30 ish, because my daughter was running late and that’s when she could take us….

And the Rav had already gone in for the night.


We drive down to Meah Shearim before Shabbat every week and leave our car there, and then we go back down motzash to do a few more Tikkun Haklalis with the Rav during seuda shlishit / melave malka (the Rav keeps Rabbenu Tam) – so that part of things was business as usual.

But when we got there this motzash, it was very quiet.

What, did it all get cancelled and we just didn’t know that? I asked my husband as we walked up Ido HaNavi.

Then, someone told us the Rav had gone in 10 minutes earlier….

So, that’s it for the night then?

Nobody knew.


It was not a ‘rocking’ atmosphere.

By 10pm, a few more people had come, including a coach of people that looked like they came from Rav Elmaliach’s shiur in Tel Aviv.

But I was mostly just sitting there, saying some Tikkun Haklalis, like I do every motzash.

On the men’s side, there was some dancing, and more ‘action’. They were singing Moshiach songs – and honestly, that made me a little uncomfortable.

It had that ‘chabad’ vibe, a little, that has now tainted every other revelation of Moshiach – even a real one. With a real Moshiach. That really happens.

Someone I knew came and sat next to me, and we both just kind of waited there, feeling a little deflated, until 11pm ish.


At that point, Rav Elmaliach appeared, did the brachas on greeting Moshiach publically, without the Shem Hashem, passed around some arak and water from the Beer Shel Miriam – and that was that.


Honestly, I was more than half-expecting it to be a super-flop.

As I’ve written about previously, we’ve been at the Rav on many previous occasions when there was said to be an imminent ‘revelation of Moshiach’.

And as I’ve written about previously, nothing happened obviously, at least that we could notice – but in some subtle way, our life seemed to start going in a better direction afterwards.

BH, that will happen again this time.

But in the meantime, we both came home feeling a tiny bit disappointed – and also worried that our kids were going to start laying into us for being freyerim, for continuing to believe, and for continuing to try to have emunat tzaddkim, and to just not take all this stuff too personally.


At the end of the day, what really happened here?

I spent three weeks making a ton of teshuva. And thinking seriously about what it would mean for ‘Moshiach to reveal himself openly’ right now.

And that whole process showed me that while a lot of me ‘wants Moshiach now’ – a significant part of me still really doesn’t.

I woke up Shabbat morning with a stomachache, and after I did some hitbodedut on it, I realised it’s because I was actually worried that Moshiach would openly reveal himself – and then I probably wouldn’t get those books on the healing properties of gemstones that I’d just ordered on Amazon.

I am still so stuck in ‘this world’, in all the gashmiut, all the stupid stuff that we all keep ourselves busy with, and running in circles around.

And even for me, the prospect of ‘Moshiach really coming’ is a very mixed bag.


That was kind of surprising to realise.

And I understand now, I still have a whole bunch of internal work to do, before I could really say I am 100% ready, prepared and happy for the open revelation of Moshiach.


Again, Moshiach is not going to show up and solve all our problems.

The people who want ‘Moshiach Now!!!!’ are usually in that state of mind because their own life is horrible, and they are suffering terribly.

I went through something like that myself, 10-15 years ago – and I had to learn the hard way, that nearly all of my suffering was self-inflicted, and was occurring because I was stubbornly refusing to work on my own bad middot.

With all my ‘frum efforts’, with skirts down to the floor, my no internet in the house, my giving shiurim to women every week, my Toyrah at the shabbos table – I was not serving Hashem happily, as the real me, and I was stuffed full to bursting with ga’ava and what I now call ‘fake emuna’.


Fake emuna is when you do six hours of hitbodedut, and then think God owes you something.

It’s when you tell yourself ‘think good and it will be good’ – instead of knuckling down to working out why things are getting so hard in the first place.

Really, ‘think good and it will be good’ sounds great – but it doesn’t work in practise. It just disconnects people from their true feelings, their true experience of what is happening, and makes them secretly bitter and angry on such a deep, deep level, spiritually.

A much better maxim is: ‘do some real teshuva, and it will be good’.

But that’s not as catchy, is it?


Point is: Moshiach is not coming to magic away all our problems, and buy us a house with a pool in Jerusalem; or let us win the lottery; or make that horrible person in our life that is making us suffer so much suddenly drop dead with a heart attack.

(If they took the shots, tho, the chances of that last thing happening are no longer in the realm of ‘miraculous’.)

Moshiach is coming to teach us how to purify ourselves from our bad middot, how to pray sincerely – and how to serve God with everything we have.

From a very ‘low’ place.

And that’s what Rav Berland and Shuvu Banim excel at.


So yesterday, I sat there in my new dress.

It was cold. I was still a little disappointed, even though I mostly knew it was going to be a ‘Rav Special’, where a person’s ego pipes up and starts questioning what’s going on here?! Why is the Rav doing this?! How could the Rav create such an awkward situation for me?!

Because now, I’ll look like an idiot again – to my kids, to my readers, and in some small, dark corner of my heart, also to myself.


But then, I did some hitbodedut, to try to figure out what really happened here, tonight?

  1. I got the chance to buy a new dress, and my husband bought a very nice new suit.
  2. I had the time to read 7 Tikkun Hakalis instead of the usual 3.
  3. My daughter’s formerly ‘chiloni’ husband danced for half an hour on the men’s side singing ‘Moshiach songs’ and enjoyed himself tremendously.
  4. I made a whole bunch of serious teshuva, before, during and after the run up to yesterday, including writing about all this in the first place, when I had a good inkling it was just going to lead to some public humiliation.
  5. I identified that in some ways, I am still not ‘ready for Moshiach to come’ – and there is still a lot of work today.
  6. And yes, I got another dose of bizayon, to scrub off at least some of my many sins.


I’ve been going to the Rav’s prayers for 6-7 years, very regularly – but I don’t dress ‘chareidi’, and I probably never will.

Yesterday, there were a few people looking at me funny, cocking their eyebrows as if to say, ah, so THIS is the tattooed chiloni drug addict from Tel Aviv that all this is for….

It was kind of insulting.


And then, there was the mild bizayon from my children, about belonging to a cult and doing dumb things like sitting outside in the cold for hours on a Saturday night before Jerusalem’s Purim, waiting for Moshiach to actually show up.

Yah, that’s REALLY arak from the Baba Sali….Yah, that’s REALLY water from the Beer Shel Miriam…. Whatever, Ima.

Thank God, the intensity has reduced greatly.

After one of my daughters met her husband literally three days after I finished praying the Rav’s prayers for her to be a bride…. And after they’ve seen with their own eyes how many ‘issues’ have disappeared after paying a pidyon to Shuvu….And now they can compare and contrast us to others, and see that in so many ways, we are sheltered from the madness engulfing the world….

The bizayon about being aboard the Shuvu Ark has got way, way less.

And in some subtle ways, my children are also starting to inch forward along the Ark’s gangplank, albeit very cautiously.

Because no-one wants to look like a frierite.



Did Moshiach openly reveal himself yesterday?

Not that I could see, or honestly, not that I could even feel.

It was pretty ‘flat’ in a whole bunch of ways.

Is that a test of emunat tzaddikim?


But really, it’s just another test of my own middot.


It’s another opportunity to ‘ditch’ the Rav, to break with Breslov, to ditch yiddishkeit, because where was God in the holocaust??!?!?!?

And where was God on October 7th?!?!?!?!?

And why isn’t God giving me exactly what I want, whenever I want it?!?!?!?

And all the other heretical kefira that people who really just want to totally ignore God and His laws use to justify why it’s OK to do that.


Ein Od Milvado.

It’s all just one big test – absolutely everything that is happening all the time, but especially around the Rav.

God doesn’t owe me anything.

Moshiach doesn’t owe me anything.

And the bottom line is, today, I just have to carry on working on my own lack of emuna, my own bad middot, and my own incredible arrogance.

And the Rav is simply the very best ‘route’ of doing that, for so many reasons.

(Which is also why so many of those ‘fake emuna’ people keep end up running away from him as fast as their legs can carry them…)



I got sent this from one of the Whatsapp Groups:

מוצ”ש זכור ליל יד’ אדר ב’ תשפ”ד
שאלו את הרב אלמליח לגבי מה שהיה היום בגילוי עד 12 בלילה בהתחזקות מיוחדת ממש כמו באומן בערב ראש השנה ואמר שיש 4 שלבים בהתגלות, שלב ראשון עשינו ,והיום רשמית הרב נחשב משיח בן דוד לאחר שנשמת המלך התעברה ברב בשלימות ולא כמו שהיה עד עכשיו רק בחלקים, שלב שני בשביעי של פסח, שלב שלישי ט’ באב שלב רביעי ואחרון כה’ באלול שיהיה אטומים והרבה דם ואז הרב יתגלה בגלוי בעזרת השם יתברך.
וכל זה לאחר מלחמות גדולות של הצדיקים בשמיים שהרב כבר ית והרב לא רצה עכשיו אלא עוד 6 שנים בשנת השמיטה הבאה בשביל להציל עוד ועוד נשמות שעדיין לא חזרו בתשובה וישנם עולמות שתלויים בהם אי אפשר לבנות אותם בליהן נשמות שהרב מחכה שיחזרו בתשובה ואז אחרי עקשנות. רבה של הרב הגיע עם הרב לפשרה בשמיים.
ובין היתר הרב מחכה לחולקים שלו שיחזרו בהם צריך להגיד 7 תיקון הכללי במצפה מקום שהשבטים הקדושים חלקו על יוסף הצדיק ומשם נמשך כל המחלוקות בעולם.


To very roughly paraphrase, Rav Elmaliach explained there are 4 stages of revelation.

Yesterday was ‘Phase 1’.

Phase 2 is scheduled for Shvi’i Shel Pesach.

Phase 3 is scheduled for Tisha B’Av.

Phase 4 – and concluding – is sometime in Elul, and will come with a lot of blood, God forbid.


Bottom line: there is a bit more time to make some real teshuva, before the world of lies totally disintegrates.

And a bit more time to get on the Shuvu Ark.

But in the meantime…. the world continues on it’s semi-normal, increasingly deranged, and often scary path.

First, one of my readers sent me this:

The Rav’s kav (02 5326 502) posted a message from the Rav yesterday, where he is asking people to say another 100.000 Tikkun Haklalis until 24:00 motzei Shushan Purim (if I understood correctly).

Say one, say three, say seven, say 10 – but a big part of how you get aboard the ‘Shuvu Banim’ ark that is going to carry us through the turbulent waters ahead is simply just by doing your bit when the Rav calls for prayers – and actually making an effort to do what he asks.

So, say one, say three, say seven, say 10 – but say something, because clearly we entering another ‘hot’ zone over the next few days for Am Yisrael.


Next, the update on the party from Rav Elmaliach:


Long story short, something is happening, at least in terms of organisation, on motzash.

While it’s Purim in most other places, in Jerusalem it will just be a regular ‘motzash’ gathering by the Rav, down on Ido HaNavi.

Except…. there will be apparently be quite a few secular people coming down to ‘party’ with the Rav….

And there will be some sort of revelation of Moshiach (or not…., or at least, not obviously….) around 10pm.

Rav Elmaliach says that people should bring some Arak, and that they will be distributing bottles of water from ‘Miriam’s Well’, that is hidden in the Kinneret.

If you listen to the video, Rav Elmaliach actually describes how he went up to the Kinneret again with the two hidden tzaddikim and the Rav, and this time filled up a bottle with the hidden waters of the Beer Miriam, to be distributed motzash.


Anyone who drinks from this water will merit to much greater understanding of the Torah, connected to the Or HaGanuz.

(I am just roughly paraphrasing what is being said in the video, I have no more idea than you do, what this actually means.)

BUT – that greater understanding will only occur people who take upon themselves, for men:

  • Shmirat Eynayim
  • Shmirat HaBrit
  • At least one Tikkun Haklali a day
  • To smash their smartphone

And for women:

  • Skirts down to the floor
  • No make-up or jewellery outside the home
  • To smash their smartphone.


No-one knows what the ‘revelation of Moshiach’ is going to look like, or whether it will be obvious to any of us small people.

I can tell you in the past when the Rav said there was going to be a ‘revelation of Moshiach’, and we all went down to Ido HaNavi – nothing obvious actually happened at the time. On multiple occasions.

But I started to notice that a ‘new ruach’ would come into the world each time the Rav announced stuff like this – like, a mass of new information, or understanding, would suddenly just kind of ‘come down’ to a whole bunch of people.

Or, I would start to have some massive insights and breakthroughs in my own life.

Or something would change for me in my dalet amot, even while it looked like business as usual in all other circumstances.

So, who knows what’s going to happen motzash, but things are for sure moving in a whole bunch of areas, in any case.


If appropriate, the following blessings should be recited at or around 10pm – but strictly without the Shem HaShem.

Rav Elmaliach explains that the halachas about when these blessings on seeing the Moshiach can be said with the full Shem HaShem are extremely complicated, and that the conditions have to be exactly as described.

So, no Shem HaShem!

(At least, not on motzash).

These are the transliterated blessings (minus the Shem HaShem) to say:


Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, hatov ve’hameitiv.

Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, ga’el Yisrael.



Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, hacam harazin.



Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, she chalak mi’kvodo l’yeerayav.

Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, she chalak me’chachmato l’yeerayav.

Baruch Atah Hashem, Elokeynu Melech HaOlam, she chehayinu, vey kayamnu le’zman hazeh.


Again, just to stress for the millionth time, I have no idea what’s going on, or if these blessings will be required motzash – halavai, we should all be able to say them with a full heart, and with very good reason!

In the meantime, we can all agree that the world is continuing to ‘go to hell in a handbasket’ (to quote my mother), so BH, the time for the evil to finally be uprooted and Hashem to be fully revealed in the world is very, very close.

Whatever happens next – just stay close to the Rav, and say as many Tikkun Haklalis as you can.

Even if motzash is an anti-climax, those prayers are still sweetening tons of stuff for Am Yisrael – and not least, for you.


Finally, another reader pointed this out about the ‘biblical language’ of the Rav’s navua, and I’m sharing it here:

Biblical Hebrew has a strange convention called the “vav hapuch”.

So I’d like to assume that every time you (or the translation team) translated a lot of the “והיה ביום ההוא” (or however it was actually written) literally, as “and it was on that day” instead of “and it will be on that day” that it was deliberate for some reason.

Is the Rav inviting the last blast of bizayon, perhaps?


We didn’t translate it in the future, because that kind of sounded a bit pretentious. We were just trying to stick as close as possible to what was being said, which was hard enough to try to translate, without giving too much of our own peirush.

But the reader is right, that this is probably referring to future and should have been translated like that.


I don’t know about you, but I’m finding it pretty hard to concentrate on ‘this world’ at the moment.

I guess, I’m waiting for motzash to arrive, so at least we can get that anticipation behind us, whatever else occurs.

And may we just hear good news.